August 15, 2013

God's Amazing Sense of Humor and Grace

The View from here has been pretty amazing lately.

As I watch God's plan unfold right before my eyes, I can't help but laugh with delight!  He's been planning and pondering and waiting for just the right time to reach out and bless our lives.  And I can't help but wonder at the glory and beauty of it all.  He is so good!

I had been helplessly watching a situation unfold that I just didn't feel right about.  But, there are times in your life when you just need to wait...and pray.  Wait on Him.  And PRAY!  Voice your concern and then pray. And keep Him in your lens because looking in another direction only slows down the ultimate plan.  He can't work in your life if your not allowing Him to direct your paths and are distracted by things that steal your peace.

To my great joy, I also watched as, through heartache (which was not the joyful part!) and hard lessons (a little more joyful because, sadly, they were lessons that could't be taught except through experience.) a beautiful thing began to emerge.  A return to a happier state of mind and confidence regained that had slipped away.

As I've watched and pondered this beautiful thing, it has begun to grow and blossom and bless those around it.

And now that it's blessing our lives, some of the most joyful parts are the ones that I didn't see happening before but am learning about now.  Things that were happening in other people's hearts and lives months ago that God has worked together for the good that's happening now. It's proof positive to me that God has been moving toward this lovely surprise for a while now.

And that's what makes me laugh!  Laugh with delight, laugh in relief, laugh at myself for doubting that He was in control, laugh at the foreshadowing, laugh at His humor and sigh in contentment at His grace that carries us through the valleys to the rolling hills and mountain tops that the light of His love has been saving for us until the perfect time.  And that time seems to be coming soon.

This is really a bunch of vague language that only piques attention but I'm afraid it's the best I can do right now, even if I'd really like to say so much more.  And that's annoying, right?  Well, just be happy for now and have a laugh or at least a smile and we'll see where God takes it.

I think God is just waiting to bring this joy into all of our lives if we'll just wait and follow instead of trying to lead Him in the way we want to go.  Dream BIG, but make sure you rely on God to direct those dreams and bring you the right person or people to share and support that dream.  For all you know, He's been preparing their heart for the same adventure all along.

Pondering My Meanderings...
with much herbal love,

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