November 19, 2011

The Wall #24

Jenny MatlockIn the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, our guide for this writing adventure, Jenny Matlock, has given us the opening to a well known Dutch hymn written by an unknown author circa 1597 as our prompt.  Our word limit is 100 words plus the prompt for a total of 108.  She's also allowing up to 3 pictures to illustrate our tale.  If you'd like to join us, please click on the button at the left to visit Jenny's blog and post your own story inspired by this prompt or read what this beautiful hymn made others think of.
If you've been reading here, you know that I've been trying to carry on a story that just sorta grew from one of the first Saturday Centus prompts I participated in 24 weeks ago.  We've been all over the place and it's been fun but challenging to tie it all together.  If you want to read the story from the start, click here.

Before you read this week's entry, I'd like to take this space to say a big, "Thank you!" to all the folks who visit me and read my little story.  It's wonderful to know that folks are enjoying the tale and your warm, friendly comments are such an encouragement to keep it going.  I wish you all a very blessed Thanksgiving.
Much herbal love,

Last week, I was at the soccer field watching a new friend's game when I noticed a mysterious man across the field.  He seemed to be watching me.  There have been a lot of crazy things going on as I tried to unravel a mystery that involved my grandfather, his old trunk, his diary and a key I found in a rocky hiding place in the wall.  There was something about this man...strange yet familiar...creepy!  And the story goes on....

~The figure melted into the onlookers as quickly as he'd appeared. My heart raced but I couldn't decide if it was fear. In some strange way, I felt draw to him.
Matthew and his family invited me for Sunday dinner.  As we joined hands around the table, the innkeeper led the family in prayer.
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing..."
He was interrupted by a knock. Anna, his wife, moved to the door looking questioningly at her husband. He nodded to her, glancing anxiously at me. As the man entered the room, I wanted to flee but I was rooted to the spot...then I knew. ~

4 thoughts about my meanderings:

1 Nonna said...

Wonderfully written in such a mysterious, seamless way. Still enjoying this continuing story so much...Bravo and have a blessed Thanksgiving !

2 anitamombanita said...

oh my oh my... I can't stand the suspense...friend or foe for dinner?! Have a happy (and hopefully not creepy) Thanksgiving!

3 Judie said...

You are just so clever with this continuing saga!

4 Jenny said...

The figure melted into the onlookers as quickly as he'd appeared.

Loved that visual.

And what?

Then she knew WHAT?

I want to skip ahead, but I can't cheat.

I'm reading as fast as my eyeballs will let me so I can figure out what she found out.


You are good at foreshadowing.

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