June 17, 2010

Taking a breather

I'm taking a few minutes to write a little because I need to "talk" about the chaos.  Next week is VBS week and I'm looking forward to it.  Preparation is always hectic and I never really feel like I have time for it but it all works out in the end.
This past year has been full of lots of emotions that I never really thought I'd have to deal with in certain situations.  Frustration, discouragement, complete bafflement.  How do we know what God has in store?  If He brings together a series of events that lead us to a door and opens that door, how do we know what to do once we've walked through it?  Does it come down to soul liberty?  What if it all becomes fuzzy and you can't see where He wants you to go when the way seemed so clear before?  What if you encourage another person to go through a door that seems, to you, to have opened especially for them through a series of events and what they find there isn't what you thought they'd find?  What if what they find leads them to situations that would ordinarily be happy, fun times but are so hard and confusing that they wonder what they are doing there?  Is He trying to teach them a lesson?  I know that the plan He has for us is the best but I also know that He never promised that the way would be easy or without temptation or trials.

Or maybe He's trying to teach me a lesson about seeing someone I care about being hurt by another. 

I'm not liking it at all. 

OK ...So, yeah...frustration all around!

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