January 30, 2010


Spring is sleeping cozily in a mossy hollow somewhere in South Carolina trying to stay hidden from the onslaught of uncommon wintry weather that's descended on the unsuspecting daffodils budding on the lawns there. She's slowly awakened from her slumber to kiss the ground with warmth and spread her breath over the early flowers, coaxing them, ever so gently from the chilly ground. But napping now, she bides her time until her intenal clock tells her the day has come to meander slowly north.
In anticipation of her arrival, still some months away, I slowly peruse my seed catalogues; wandering through the pages, dreaming of crisp cucumbers and juicy tomatoes; spicy basil and lemon thyme. Plans for our garden, ruminating carefully through the muddled thoughts that fill my mind, gradually take shape.
Here in Pennsylvania, winter is still very much upon us with it's snowy blanket and blustery winds. The stark beauty comes alive with the sun as the birds begin to flitter about looking for a morsel or seed to gobble quickly before the squirrels find it. Plants and bulbs slumber sweetly 'neath the frozen carpet of sparkling snow flakes. Temperatures, plummeting to below zero with the wind chill, slowly creep in to the low teens where they linger throughout the day, unable to steal any more warmth from the sun.
It's a good day to snuggle in and dream about the peaceful melting and warming ahead. And the awakening of the earth that will accompany Spring as she floats over the mountains and finds me here...watching and waiting...still pondering my meanderings.

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